9 Things We Know About Rowing Coaches

Your rowing coaches are the pillars of your boathouse.  As such it's crucial that you support them in your role as a rowing club manager.  Below we have a great article from Mike Davenport, coach and writer extraordinaire.  He outlines 9 points based on his excessive experience that he knows about coaches today.  Take a read and share it with the coaches in your club.

Let me blast you with 9 things we know about coaching sports today (any level, any sport).

Maybe you won't care about any or all of these (but you should care)

Maybe you'll disagree with some, or all (however, they are based on the most current research from some pretty darn smart researchers–some of whom are coaches).

Just take 30 seconds and give them a peek.

  1. Coaches must develop leadership and management styles to be successful
  2. There is no standardized inventory of coaching competencies or a consistent system of coaching education
  3. No clearly defined career pathways for coaches
  4. A quote from a current investigation on coach's professional development: \”In many cases, a coach is hired on a Monday, shows up for work on Tuesday and is out recruiting the next day…these are some of the most visible people on campus, and yet often they have little understanding of the campus culture

Click here to access the full article.

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