Mechanical Quad (4x) Stacker
Redlands College store rowing quadruple scull boats Case Study shows the time and money savings from one high school rowing programme who installed a 6-boat electric hoist for their quad scull boats. Given the prime real estate usually occupied by rowing clubs and facilities, it is imperative to make the most of every little bit of space on offer. Storing more boats for the same footprint the ability of the Mechanical Quad Stacker to maximise the potential of a shed is invaluable.
Motorboat (tinnie) stacker
Tinnie Stacker for motorboats requiring indoor storage using our mechanical winch system. This shows single and double rack options where you can store a coach boat with the motor attached. The coach boat poses another challenge for rowing shed storage. Our Motor Boat Stacker provides a cost-effective solution to securely and safely storing your cumbersome coaching boats. The Motor Boat Stacker does more than address space and lifting issues of storing tinnies. By reducing the footprint of the storage space to at least one third, it becomes more practical to separate and isolate the boats and their highly flammable motors and fuel.
Space Saver Rowing Systems would like to thank Kennovations now Tilt Industrial Design for their assistance throughout the design and development phase of this world-leading product.
Key features of the Mechanical Quad Stacker include:
- A one off cost which provides infrastructure ready for expansion
- The easy to use off-the-shelf system arrives ready to be installed
- Regulated control from a hand-held remote control, with key lockout
- Removes the need for rowers to stand on unstable or unsafe platforms to store and retrieve equipment
- Facilitates Occupational Health and Safety compliance and reduces insurance claims
- A mechanical boat storage system assists schools to adhere to the increasing OH&S and insurance regulatory environment
- Meets U.S. and Australian Standards