Fundraising Ideas, April 2014: Outings

Rowing isn\’t the easiest sport to understand or get excited about. That\’s a fact, as sad as that fact may be. So this quarterly fundraising ideas blog post is all about how to get those interested in other sports or social outings to join the club in a fundraiser.

Before we get into that though, we\’d like to remind you that our FREE fundraising ideas eBook can be located HERE to download!

We\’re also got an eBook that does cost a little bit but packs a bigger punch than the FREE one. You can find that HERE.


Raise funds by getting the community outside and supporting their hobbies:

\"\"Golf Day Fundraiser

this event by Noosa Rowing Club fills a day with activities for golfers and fits perfectly with their high class culture. Their prices are high and their target audience are few but this event also works as a good mixer for potential big sponsors as well. Within the event they included golfing competitions, nibbles, drinks and more – making it well worth the while. If your club holds a similar culture, perhaps a joint fundraiser with your local golfing club could work!

\"\"Stage a fake wedding performance

Crannog Rowing Club had an interesting idea of holding a dramatic performance of a fake wedding! Plan all the great activities of a real wedding but instead of gifts, the attendees buy tickets or commit funds towards the rowing club. Crannog Rowing Club decided to in fact take gifts and then auction them off after the event. This is sure to be a hilarious endeavor if you choose to proceed.

\"\"An evening of wine tasting

Among the many events you\’ll see coming out of Gainesville Rowing Club, their annual wine tasting events are a blast. With live music, a Silent Auction, discounts on all items purchased from The Perfect Gift, and a great festive atmosphere it\’s an event that has grown so positively for Gainesville Rowing Club. If you have an abundance of wine connoisseurs in your community it may just be the way to go. Don\’t be afraid of teaming up with local wineries for support.

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