Get The Most Out Of Tight Spaces – With Adjustable Racks

SSRS facilitated installation of a Connect A Dock sea plane pontoon at the Australian National Museum. The Director of Space Saver Rowing Systems is excited two pair up two of his biggest passions – Aviation & Water usage. The National Capital Authority.

Get The Most Out Of Tight Spaces – With Adjustable Racks

It’s inevitable that over time, the needs of your boathouse are likely to change. With a bit of luck, new recruits flooding in mean you need double the space to store all your equipment, perhaps the club’s focus shifts from eights to quads or perhaps the number of single scullers boom. Whatever the reason, you can bet they all require some sort of adjustment to the boathouse fit-out.

\"stStatic racking for example, makes it particularly difficult to adapt to these changing needs and reduces the efficiency of your boathouse. St Ignatius\’ College, Riverview in Sydney, recognised the need to change, and ditch their old, corroded and fixed position racks for some Space Saver Adjustable Sliding Arms.

\"spaceSpace Saver was also able to salvage their old boatshed, which was destined for a date with a bulldozer.

By adapting to the uneven floor surface, SSRS racks provided the old boatshed with a renewed purpose and saved St Ignatius\’ College, Riverview a considerable amount of money in the process.

As you can see, their space is not huge, which highlights the importance of flexibility even further. The old racking was fixed in place, which made it difficult to configure the layout setup. The new Space Saver adjustable racks can be set at any height – bringing them closer together than they had been before makes it much easier to get boats on and off. This in turn also makes it safer for crews, as they do not have to strain and reach awkwardly at dangerous heights.

\"spaceThe sliding arms also contribute to this solution, ensuring crew members do not have to stretch and reach across boats to get them down. And because they slide back into the wall, the middle passage of the boatshed is still free for members to move through when boats are not being taken out or stored.

St Ignatius\’ College, Riverview are thrilled with their new racks and can’t wait to enjoy using them as the season begins to ramp up towards the end of the year.

Thanks St Ignatius\’ College, Riverview for choosing Space Saver Rowing Systems!

Do you have a similar problem at your boathouse? We adapt our products to suit the specific needs of your boathouse, saving you time and money.

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