Protect Your Post-Olympic Recruitment Growth

Does your club get a heap of new member and learn to row joining enquiries after the Olympics?  \"rio-2016-olympics-logo-rowing-100675578-primary-idge\"

It’s pretty normal.

The key is to have a programme ready to welcome your members and an easy way to let people “Try Out” rowing for a small fee before deciding whether to join the club.

What are the key goals and strategies for your club?

Where do you think you could improve e.g. one club had 75 new learn to row athletes but only 2 joined the club training group afterwards.  Is this a problem worth solving?

The big problem is with integrating new novices with existing training groups and so we’ve pulled together some resources which can help your club committee overcome common issues.

Over to you now.  We wish you all the best in your club growth and recruitment.  May all your new joiners become strong club members!

And don\’t forget, SSRS provide storage solutions to suit any stage and rate of growth in your club. Whether you need a single Sculling Oar Rack or two dozen Adjustable Sliding Boat Racks, we can accommodate your individual needs.

Get in touch for more information.

P.S. take a look at Rowperfect\’s Resources for Rowing for Beginners page. It\’s full of useful links for both athletes and coaches.

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