Rowing Hacks: Cup Holders For Boats

Have you every been frustrated by spilled coffee, losing your cellphone or having nowhere safe to put your megaphone? We did, so we went hunting for solutions.

Presenting The Cup-Cup Cup Holder by Row2k\"\"!

Rower Monica Hilcu touched base with Row2k and told them about how coach Joe O\’Connor at the Stanford Rowing Center solved problems of spills and holding spaces in his boat.

\”Joe was tired of finding spilled coffee in the coaching launches, so we found some extra plastic cox box holders,\” she said. \”He took the first one and screwed it to the launch bench. He cut the bottom of the second cup off, and then he epoxied


the two cups together to make the ultimate coffee cup holder. Little did Joe know it also works great as a megaphone holder and a sweet spot for your cell phone.\”

So do you have any plastic cup sized rings lying around? The hurry up and put them to use! Your crew, coach, and others will love you for it!

See all manner of tips and tricks just like this one on the Row2K Columns page.

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