We are all too familiar with the struggles and anguish associated with rowing. So for a change, we thought we would focus our attention on some of the light-hearted and humorous facets of our favorite love-to-hate past-time.
Enjoy a well deserved break from whatever you may be doing and treat yourself to a selection of rowing jokes and images that only a true rower would appreciate!
\”When you see a 2K test on the training program\” by Rowing Banter.
\”You aren’t surprised to get this reaction from a coxswain the night before your first race,\” Buzzfeed, 17 Signs You\’re a Rower.
You\’ll never get to that point. Your coxswain will remind you before it ever gets that far. Boathouse Banter.
Banter courtesy of Reddit:
Q: Does anyone have any clever rowing jokes?
A: The Lightweight Women\’s 2+.
– One reader offered this explanation: \”Not only is the 2+ the most pointless boat, picking two 59kg women to pull a 50kg deadweight down the river is arguably taking the piss\”.
Another from the delightful Reddit community:
You rock up to a regatta start line. You turn to your opposite number and say \”excuse me mate, you\’ve got a piece of shit on the end of your blade\”. They check the spoon, to find it is clean. And you say \”No mate, the other end…\”
The BEST part about trying to row away from a shark is, you see it coming.
The WORST part about trying to row away from a shark is, you see it coming!
When your friends complain about waking up for life. Rowing Humor.
When your rival team wins on overall points at a regatta. Buzzfeed, 29 Of The Realest Tumblr Posts About Rowing.
Essentially this is your life. Perception vs Fact.
Tampa Crew Tripod, Rowing Humor.
Do you have any great rowing jokes or funny images? We would love to share them!
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