SSRS Oar Rack User Review Norwich Rowing Club

We recently received a user review from a club testing out our Space Saver Oar Racks

Product: Space Saver Rowing Systems Oar rack – See the video here

Max Heron Club: Whitlingham Boathouses, Norwich Rowing Club

User Review:

  1. What comparable equipment do you usually use?
    1. Self produced timber racks, mostly horizontal, built over the years by club members
  2. How long was it used?
    1. In use for 3 weeks for 2 sets of 8 oars.
  3. What were your first impressions?
    1. Very impressive space saver; safe; secure; easy access; well received by crews
  4. Was it easy to use?
    1. Easily fixed; very straightforward
  5. Did you do any tests to compare to your previous equipment? .
    1. Much safer and more convenient than conventional horizontal oar racks or slots currently used forvertical scull racks. No instances of any oars falling out or dropping.
  6. What did the coach think?
    1. Very positive.
  7. What did the athletes / cox think?
    1. Very positive.
  8. Anything else you want to tell us that could help us improve our service or product range?
    1. A simple but very effective piece of equipment.

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