SSRS winning girls schools

SSRS facilitated installation of a Connect A Dock sea plane pontoon at the Australian National Museum. The Director of Space Saver Rowing Systems is excited two pair up two of his biggest passions – Aviation & Water usage. The National Capital Authority.

SSRS winning girls schools

Sydney Girls GPS Head of the River

The Sydney Girls GPS Head of the River was held the day after the boys on Sunday 29 March 2009. The 1st VIII girls champion this year was Pymble Ladies College followed by Queenwood in second, Loreto Kirribilli in third, Loreto Normanhurst in fourth, PLC Sydney in fifth, Kinross Wolaroi in sixth, Canberra Girls Grammar in seventh and Roseville in eighth place.

All of the place getters are customers of SSRS. Well done to all the place getters.

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