Trailer Driving – Are You Doing It Right?

You may have seen the following video circulating on social media lately:

It highlights the massive difference weight distribution of trailers can have on stability, when the vehicle or trailer change direction suddenly. Weight loaded at the front of the trailer remains very stable while moving forward, while weight loaded at the rear of the trailer causes both car and a trailer to swerve out of control.

Can you imagine if this was you and your club’s shells on your way to a regatta?

You certainly don’t want to find out the hard way!

Given the length and weight of rowing trailers, this video is particularly relevant and exemplifies the importance of correctly loading your trailer. How much experience does your trailer driver have transporting rowing shells?  With thousands of dollars-worth of equipment loaded on board, it’s worth knowing exactly how the trailer behaves and the correct way to react in such events.

\"trailer-driving-101-ssrs\"To help build your confidence and get your drivers comfortable behind the wheel, we teamed up with RowIntel to produce the ‘Trailer Driving 101’ eBook – an essential must have, for anyone in charge of transporting shells and equipment to and from regattas.

We also have expert tips on how to load your trailer correctly, check out our ‘Trailer Loading’ blog posts for all the details:

  1. Transporting Equipment with Trailers – Part 1: Setting Up For The Trip
  2. Transporting Equipment with Trailers – Part 2: Loading Your Trailer
  3. Everything You Need to Know About Loading Trailers

Brush up on your trailer loading and driving knowledge, so you can relax the next time you have to hop behind the wheel.

Take care on the roads!

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