Your Chance to Ask Any Question about Coaching

Mike Davenport is a great coach with a great blog, and a published author of rowing books. He\’s trying to help 1,000 coaches overcome their challenges. He recently sent out an email and survey for coaches like you – help him find out your challenges, and you can ask him any question that you\’ve ever had about coaching – he\’ll find you the answer.

This is a great survey to pass around your rowing club. It helps you understand what your coaches are struggling with. It starts a conversation. Plus, you get to enlist the advice of an expert for your coaches\’ most difficult questions.

Here\’s what Mike wrote:

Often certain coaches, ahem … like me, do silly things.

Like the time I said, out loud, \”My goal is to help 1000 coaches create their legacy.\”

I, ahem (sorry, something in my throat) said that yesterday to a coach-pal who immediately called me on it and said, \”You? How?\”

\”Well, by helping them overcome their challenges.\”

\”Which challenges?\” he said …

And that\’s when it dawned on me I\’d better get a serious grasp on what coaches are struggling with, outside of my snap-shot world of coaching.

Hence … this email, with a deal for you.

If you take 3 to 4 minutes to help me with a wicked-short survey, I\’ll try as hard as I can to get you an answer to a coaching question that\’s stumping you. If I don\’t know the answer, I\’ll bug a bunch of people to get one for you.

Seriously, you help me (5 minutes tops for the survey) and I\’ll help you.

Jeez, maybe that\’s not so silly after all. But, then again …

– Mike

PS: Here\’s that survey link again:

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